In every community, there is always a project.
The ethic of recognition is based on the simple idea of interacting with the people recognizing their capacities and skills. Recognition is the main pillar of how we look and act.
We stand in front of the territories starting by recognizing that capacities exist in them, whatever they are. We understand that there is no rational reason to deprive a community of a symmetrical dialogue, where its expertise in the territory and its capacity to transform it are recognized.
Recognition is not something that is conceded to the community, but an ascertainment of an essential characteristic for the exercise of participation and the development of a territory.

1. Recognition in a wide sense.
Recognition should not have limits, be sectarian or excluding. We understand recognition in a wide sense in a way that it does not aim to be identified with a specific group or class.
2. Recognition of Capacities and Opportunities
There is not only recognition as a subject, but also his capacity to act. In very few occasions a subject is passive in his context, even the one whom many conditions have been denied to can be the leader of his own development. We all have always a project to develop.
3. Need of Self-Knowledge
The reality of the context makes us define ourselves with parameters that do not necessarily respond to our own possibilities and capacities. Having the possibility of being conscious of our essence as a person and of the relevance of protagonism required to face the challenges is crucial when to undertake new projects and innovate in the society that we belong.

4. Recognition for Communication and Interaction.
Recognizing the capacities of the neighbors and community leaders places them as capable of dialoguing and communicating with others, both people and institutions, on equal terms, empowering their speech so it can transform reality.
Freedom of ideas and projects also play a role in the recognition of the own convictions and the language particularities of each individual in his context.
5. Recognition as a valid and equal subject in his condition as a person.
It is not a ‘’favor’’ that is done to people, but a necessary condition for human development. Being recognized as a “valid subject” is essential for every human being to construct his identity, participate in the nation and communicate between cultures. This is not something that can be conceded to others, but a ascertainment of the primordial characteristic for the exercise democracy and the life within society.
6. Recognition of the Autonomy
We are not only looking for equality of rights, but also for recognition of identity. Our ideal is that everyone can develop his life as he wants and in the ways that he dreams, as history and culture taught him. Imposing ideas about identity and wealth break the exercise of autonomy of people and communities.